Pac-Man Contributions Game

Turn your GitHub or GitLab contributions into an interactive Pac-Man game!

This project allows you to visualize your contribution graph as a playable Pac-Man game. Set up your preferences, generate the game, and have fun while showcasing your coding activity.

Game Configuration

It might take a second or two

Game Output

Commits count: 0

Configuration Options

Option Description Possible Values
platform The platform from which to fetch contribution data github, gitlab
outputFormat The format of the game output canvas, svg
canvas The canvas element in DOM to render Pacman game into typeof HTMLCanvasElement
svgCallback A callback function that will get called when SVG picture is generated (animatedSVG: string) => void
gameOverCallback A callback function that will get called when the game is over gameOverCallback: () => void;
username The username of the account to fetch contributions from Any valid GitHub or GitLab username
gameSpeed The speed of the Pac-Man character in the game 1 (fastest) to 10 (slowest)
gameTheme The visual theme of the game github, github-dark, gitlab, gitlab-dark
enableSounds Enable or disable game sounds(only in canvas mode) true, false

How to Use

Method 1: NPM Package

npm install pacman-contribution-graph

import { PacmanRenderer } from 'pacman-contribution-graph';

const pr = new PacmanRenderer({
    platform: 'github',
    username: 'yourusername',
    canvas: document.getElementById('canvas'),
    outputFormat: 'canvas',
    gameTheme: 'github'

Method 2: Script loading

<script type="module">
import { PacmanRenderer } from '';
const pr = new PacmanRenderer({
    platform: 'github',
    username: 'yourusername',
    canvas: document.getElementById('canvas'),
    outputFormat: 'canvas',
    gameTheme: 'github'

Method 3: Iframe/Image Embedding

<!-- For canvas -->
<iframe src="" 
    width="800" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<!-- For SVG -->
<img src="" />

Method 4: Github Actions

  1. Create a new repository with the same name as your github username
  2. Create .github/workflows/main.yml in your github repo with the following content
    name: generate pacman game
    	schedule: # run automatically every 24 hours
    	- cron: "0 */24 * * *"
    	workflow_dispatch: # allows to manually run the job at any time
    	push: # run on every push on the master branch
    		- main
    		contents: write
    	runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    	timeout-minutes: 5
    		- name: generate pacman-contribution-graph.svg
    		uses: abozanona/pacman-contribution-graph@main
    			github_user_name: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
    		# push the content of  to a branch
    		# the content will be available at , or as github page
    		- name: push pacman-contribution-graph.svg to the output branch
    		uses: crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages@v3.1.0
    			target_branch: output
    			build_dir: dist
    			GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  3. Create file in your github repo with the following content. Change `[USERNAME]` with your github username
      <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="[USERNAME]/[USERNAME]/output/pacman-contribution-graph-dark.svg">
      <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="[USERNAME]/[USERNAME]/output/pacman-contribution-graph.svg">
      <img alt="pacman contribution graph" src="[USERNAME]/[USERNAME]/output/pacman-contribution-graph.svg">
    _generated with [abozanona/pacman-contribution-graph](
  4. That's it! You can also check my github repo @abozanona for an example