Turn your GitHub or GitLab contributions into an interactive Pac-Man game!
This project allows you to visualize your contribution graph as a playable Pac-Man game. Set up your preferences, generate the game, and have fun while showcasing your coding activity.
Option | Description | Possible Values |
platform |
The platform from which to fetch contribution data | github , gitlab |
outputFormat |
The format of the game output | canvas , svg |
canvas |
The canvas element in DOM to render Pacman game into | typeof HTMLCanvasElement |
svgCallback |
A callback function that will get called when SVG picture is generated | (animatedSVG: string) => void |
gameOverCallback |
A callback function that will get called when the game is over | gameOverCallback: () => void; |
username |
The username of the account to fetch contributions from | Any valid GitHub or GitLab username |
gameSpeed |
The speed of the Pac-Man character in the game | 1 (fastest) to 10 (slowest) |
gameTheme |
The visual theme of the game | github , github-dark , gitlab , gitlab-dark |
enableSounds |
Enable or disable game sounds(only in canvas mode) | true , false |
npm install pacman-contribution-graph
import { PacmanRenderer } from 'pacman-contribution-graph';
const pr = new PacmanRenderer({
platform: 'github',
username: 'yourusername',
canvas: document.getElementById('canvas'),
outputFormat: 'canvas',
gameTheme: 'github'
<script type="module">
import { PacmanRenderer } from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/pacman-contribution-graph/dist/pacman-contribution-graph.min.js';
const pr = new PacmanRenderer({
platform: 'github',
username: 'yourusername',
canvas: document.getElementById('canvas'),
outputFormat: 'canvas',
gameTheme: 'github'
<!-- For canvas -->
<iframe src="https://abozanona.github.io/pacman-contribution-graph/embeded/canvas.html?username=yourusername&platform=github"
width="800" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<!-- For SVG -->
<img src="https://abozanona.github.io/pacman-contribution-graph/embeded/svg.html?username=yourusername&platform=github" />
in your github repo with the following content
name: generate pacman game
schedule: # run automatically every 24 hours
- cron: "0 */24 * * *"
workflow_dispatch: # allows to manually run the job at any time
push: # run on every push on the master branch
- main
contents: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 5
- name: generate pacman-contribution-graph.svg
uses: abozanona/pacman-contribution-graph@main
github_user_name: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
# push the content of to a branch
# the content will be available at https://raw.githubusercontent.com//// , or as github page
- name: push pacman-contribution-graph.svg to the output branch
uses: crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages@v3.1.0
target_branch: output
build_dir: dist
file in your github repo with the following content. Change `[USERNAME]` with your github username
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/[USERNAME]/[USERNAME]/output/pacman-contribution-graph-dark.svg">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/[USERNAME]/[USERNAME]/output/pacman-contribution-graph.svg">
<img alt="pacman contribution graph" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/[USERNAME]/[USERNAME]/output/pacman-contribution-graph.svg">
_generated with [abozanona/pacman-contribution-graph](https://abozanona.github.io/pacman-contribution-graph/)_